Dog Training Birmingham MI

Five Star Dog Training Birmingham Michigan

A man wearing a sweat shirt is holding a dog

 Dog Training Tips Birmingham MI

Being a good and effective communicator is entirely dependent on the audience.

When you are trying to communicate with your dog, take them into consideration.

-Keep your words very simple. One word, one syllable commands.

-Concentrate more on your body language and showing them what you want than actual speech.

-Consider their attention span and comprehension.

-Pay attention to what they are trying to tell you.

Better communication skills make you a better teacher.

*When looking for a dog trainer, you are looking for a teacher. Take into account how you feel they would be as a teacher, not just for your dog, but for you.

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A dog sitting in a field with its tongue hanging out
A brown and white dog with a red and black leash

 "My goal in dog training is to enhance people's lives by providing a well-behaved dog that they can enjoy their lives with."
Eric Devine

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Birmingham Michigan Dog Training

Birmingham a city in Oakland County Michigan area is a great place to have a dog. We specialize in dog training.

Picture a father holding his son's hand as they navigate through a crowd, across the street, or out in public. Hopefully you picture a loving, peaceful moment of a son looking to his father to lead the way and they both enjoy their time together.

What, though, about the kid that is fighting to get away, all the while screaming and whining and the parent struggling to keep some control? It can go either way. Why is the father doing this? Is it because he wants to keep his child from enjoying himself? Is it because he is a tyrant and intent on control? No. Rather, he loves his child and wants to protect him from dangers that he doesn't understand, and to teach him how to behave in public.

Wouldn't you say the father is doing what is best for the child, whether the child realizes it or not? What do you think of the parent/child relationship when you see a child constantly resisting his parent's direction?

Wouldn't it be better for the child to learn to accept the guidance his father is offering instead of fighting against it? Do you see that whether that child accepts his father's direction on that walk or constantly fights against him is a sign of how the child behaves at home? Now, picture a responsible dog owner walking his dog.

-Eric Devine *if you want to make that picture real for yourself, give me a call. 734-707-7969

A brown and white dog is sitting on a wooden bench
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