The entire Tecumseh Michigan area is a great place to have a dog. It is a very nice town and the people are fun.
Often, when you picture dog training, images of high energy working dogs doing fast-paced, advanced obedience come to mind. That is fun to watch, isn't it?...not so fun to live with. Not for the average pet owner, anyway.
For most people dealing with behavior issues in the home, building a high drive animal is counter-productive. Most of the time, the problem is that their dog already has too much uncontrolled energy to the point of jumping up on people and their furniture, running around the house, destroying things, bolting out of doors and running away, whining and barking incessantly, pulling on walks, and acting aggressively.
Dealing with these behaviors and a frantic mindset is too much for people to live with, with their already busy lives. So, the most beneficial thing I do to help people with their dogs is to teach their dog to control that energy and work for calm.
Sure, teach enthusiastic obedience, but what really makes the difference in people's lives is teaching the dog to relax and control themselves. That gives a dog that can keep from going nuts when someone comes to the door, can go on a pleasant, conflict-free walk, and can relax when you need them to.
If you need help with your dog be sure to ill out the FREE dog consultation form above now.